Friday, November 28, 2008

Start a secretarial service

a home-based secretarial service business from home while you
are still employed. Protect yourself from downsizing. Start
your own secretarial business.

Choosing a name for your secretarial business

Your Typing Skills Into A Lucrative Business

Secretarial Business-In-A-Box

Makes It Easy To Start A Secretarial Business

And Make Money Typing At Home

have ordered your "Secretarial Business In-A-Box"
system. It has been so incredibly helpful!! From even just the
first few pages, I already felt empowered and like, "Hey,
I can do this!!" I have already begun to get started on
your tips, and the
flyers/postcards/letters are a tremendous asset.
marketing tips were just what I was looking for.

I have found some "job" sites online, and I am ashamed
to admit, fallen for some scams.
It was such a relief to find some real help.
Again, your system is going to be
so useful
, and it has made me feel so
confident in myself to be able to begin on this endeavor. Thank
you for your time and your willingness to help others succeed."
Nancy Ruben, North Augusta, SC


From: Leva



a secretarial business is the best way to make money typing
at home.

If you have
ever dreamed of making money typing from home, here’s
your chance to get paid for having fun in a easy, rewarding
home business.

If you
know how to use a computer and type at least 30 words per minute,
you can turn
your typing skills into a lucrative business.

We'll show you how to make
$30 to $50 an hour
with your computer.

As you
read this report, you will be pleasantly surprised at just how
easy it is to start your own secretarial service.
business, organization, and professional needs documents typed
such as reports, letters, proposals, brochures, newsletters,
and manuals. Many small and large companies farm out
typing, data entry, computer jobs, and clerical tasks to secretarial

Ideal Home-Based Business

You will
finally realize the dream of getting your own home-based business
and having complete control of when you work and whom
you work with.

how it will feel to work from the comfort of your home ... stay
at home with your children ... eliminate rush hour traffic ....
commute from the breakfast table to your office in just seconds...
be your own boss.

as much or as little as you want. You'll set your own hours,
decide how much or how little you want to work, and how much
you charge, and you keep all the profits instead of making money
for your boss.

you have a job, you don't have to leave your job and can run
your secretarial business part time.

And, with
the information in the Secretarial Business in a Box, you will
be able to charge $30/hour and more because my marketing strategies
attract clients like a magnet. So try not to feel guilty for
charging hefty fees because this really is almost too easy!

Don’t Need a Lot of Money to Provide Typing Services

It's easy
to start a secretarial service. The
start-up cost is low
compared to most businesses.
And all you need to open your doors for business is a computer,
printer, phone, ream of paper and some business cards.

Many people
have told me they don’t have the start-up money to start
a secretarial business. You need very little start-up
It’s inexpensive to start providing secretarial
you need to open your doors for business is a computer, printer,
phone, a ream of paper and some business cards.

The cost
to start a secretarial business is very low compared to just
about any business. Did you know that a cleaning franchise requires
$30,000 in cash and a $90,000-$130,000 inventory? Or that a
children’s daycare franchise requires an initial investment
of $1,7 to $2.3 million dollars?

You can
start a secretarial business even if you don’t have any
money! You don’t even need a high-end computer. Any computer
will work to do word processing. Even if you are dead broke,
you can find a friend, neighbor or family member who will give
you their older computer and printer for free! And you can print
some business cards yourself right from your own computer!

And, with
the information in the Secretarial Business in a Box, you will
be able to charge $30 to $50 an hour and more an hour because
our marketing strategies attract clients like a magnet.

This a Legitimate Business?

Yes, a secretarial
business is a legitimate business. A secretarial service provides
typing services (We prefer calling it “keyboarding”),
data entry, and miscellaneous administrative services to businesses,
organizations, and individuals.

have looked over quite a bit of it already, and I am amazed
at how much information you have included.You
have answered so many of my questions!
was concerned about whether this would be a good investment
of my "business money", but I am very pleased
with my purchase. Thank you very much!" - Julie
Ensor, Antioch, TN (Nashville)

Naturally I had my reservation seeing that I'm living in Cape Town, South Africa and you're in the US. I consulted with some business people in South Africa who all warned me to be careful. I decided to "take the plunge". And I'm so glad that I did. Liezel Ferreira (Cape Town - South Africa)

Typing Scams Promising Typing Work at Home

fall for typing scams promising you typing work at home. Some
ads mention that they outsource work to companies looking for
typists, word processors, or secretaries working from home.
They may promise that they will give you a list of companies
looking for typists to work from home. The ads may read like
this: "Make $500 a Week Typing at Home, Make $3000 a Month
from Home with Your Computer, Earn Cash as a Home Typist, Home
Typing Jobs, Home Typists Wanted" or something similar.

The advertisement
implies that the company will provide you with typing jobs.
These listings are usually scams. When you get the package,
you'll find out that the company you bought the package from
does NOT provide typing jobs. What you'll get is a listing of
companies with addresses and phone numbers in your whole state.
Most of the companies don't even know they are listed on those

Be wary of
companies providing typing work at home!

Secretarial Business-In-A-Box is NOT a Quick-Rich Scheme

is the best
investment I have made for the startup of my own secretarial
so far. All of the forms are right there
to use if I wish. It has a lot of great marketing tips
and tells what each type of business would be looking
for" - Charlene Torchia

I don’t
make false promises. I don’t provide typing work. I don't
give you a list of people who will provide you with work. Those
are usually a scam and the people on those lists usually don't
even know they are on it.

I help you start your own secretarial business which is the
best way to get typing work at home.
I tell you how
to get your own clients. It’s easy when you know how.
And once you get customers, they usually stay with you, so you
don’t have to go looking for new work and clients every

This is
NOT some goofy scam. This
a REAL, proven, and successful service that business owners
need badly
… AND you'll get a proven arsenal
of marketing tools with a solid step-by-step plan!

The seal
of approval means this site is registered by the Better Internet

at the above sites and many others

You Need To Get Your Business Started

The Secretarial
Business-In-A-Box is a start-up kit that provides information,
templates, and promotional materials to make it easy to start
your own secretarial business and grow your business fast. It
helps you be successful and saves you a lot of time.

giving you EVERYTHING you need to get your business started.

getting clients for secretarial services This
includes a step-by-step start-up checklist,
how to legitimize your business, how register your business,
how to get a business license, how choose a business name,
get a fictitious business name

getting clients for secretarial services

to get clients,
your most profitable clients are and how to get their

the best ways are to market your secretarial services
in record time,
advertising methods work best for secretarial services.

marketing strategies for secretarial services

to charge for your services.

promotional letters for secretarial services

prewritten letters and 16 ready-to-use postcards that
won clients and will help you introduce and promote
your secretarial services to a variety of prospects.

postcards to promote secretarial services

and agreements to run your business.

forms for secretarial services

to frequently asked questions, and much more.

forms for secretarial services

and resources to find the best sources for equipment
and supplies (but you need very little supplies and
equipment to get started)

your own secretarial business NOW. Click here to order

at What Satisfied Customers Are Saying

November 2005, I decided to start my own Secretary
business. ...a few weeks into my business I decided
to order Secretary in a Box and I am very glad that
I did.

this package there are many VITAL
suggestions for becoming a success

in your business. Leva tells you about the promotion
you need to do in order to build your clientele
and she lays it out very
thoroughly and in the order of importance.

I had thought about some of her promotional suggestions,
but when I read the book, not only did it validate
what I thought would work but it also gave me more
ideas of how to make it work better. One of these
was it was better to go to an office in person and
meet the owner and go more than one time. Also work
with the secretaries who are there. I would have
never thought of that.

very important aspect of the business that Leva
goes over very well is pricing and how to get paid
for your work . This was very hard for me. I was
having so much fun and felt guilty for charging
a fee. I would have really undersold myself and
thus lost my business if I hadn't read and followed
Leva’s guidelines on pricing.

also has all the formats for all the different paperwork
laid out in the package. All you have to do is put
in your information. I followed the suggestions
for the flier when I made my own and I
have gotten several clients just on the fact that
they like my flier.

has many, many suggestions for being a success with
your business and her book gives you confidence
that you can make it. Two months after I purchased
the Secretary in a Box, I called Leva on the phone
to ask her a question about one point of promoting.
I dialed the number never really expecting someone
to answer and she promptly answered her phone and
stayed on the phone with me for over 15 minutes
giving me pointers of how to successfully promote.
Leva is wonderful and I can see why she is a success
with her business. Thank you very much for all your
help." Sharon Graves, Orange County, CA

kit has great info, ideas, and I think this will
really work for me. I do have secretarial background
but it's been about 13 years. Reading the info really
jogged my memory and I will be able to think "outside
the box" as well. I want very much to be able
to work from home...This "Info Box" is
Great!" - Lisa Woods, IN

am in the process of getting all my paperwork in
order to open my

secretarial services business, and I must say your
start up package has

been tremendous." - Sandra Wright

documents have really, really, really, helped to
clarify some things and gave us more ideas than
we originally had. We are also offering event planning
like weddings, birthdays and such, and much more
thanks to you." - Peyton Reed, TX

here to start making money typing from home

How I Got Started

know exactly how you feel because I have been there. Fourteen
years ago I bought a used computer with my credit card.
Then, I had to figure out a way to pay off my credit card
fast. I made a list of my experience and skills. I had
been working as a secretary and had good typing skills.

So, I decided to provide typing services from home. But there
was just one minor problem. I had done some data entry on
an old main frame computer at a job about 10 years prior to
that. And when I hit the wrong command key and ran into trouble,
there was someone there to help me out and get me back to
the main screen. That was the extent of my computer experience.
So, I took a couple of computer classes at a local Community

created my first flyer and that took me three hours! That’s
when I realized how big the need was for secretarial services.
I knew that businesses didn’t have time to go through
this learning curve. Now I began to get serious about offering
typing services. Up to that point, I only wanted to pay off
my credit card.

printed inexpensive business cards, called the business “Leva’s
Typing” and I was in business. I didn’t even know
that the term “Secretarial Service” was more appropriate.

I Made a Lot of Mistakes

learned as I earned. I didn’t have anyone to guide me.
I read a lot of books but only found scattered bits and pieces
of general business information. The few books I found about
secretarial services were terribly outdated.

Wasted a Lot of Time and Money

made a lot of mistakes and it took me a long time to be successful.
Luckily, after a year or two in the business, I got a phone
call from a college who invited me to an association of secretarial

this organization, I was able to network with successful,
established secretarial services. Some of them have been in
business for over 20 years. I collected a lot of insider information
and asked questions like: how much do you charge ... how do
you get clients.... what are your most profitable services....
what kind of clients are giving you the most work ... what
marketing methods work best for you. I learned a lot and I
wrote everything down. After a few years, I became President
of the association and was able to give back by helping newcomers.

have been running my secretarial business for 14 years now.
I live in Oceanside, California and work out of my home. I
type reports, mailing lists, proposals, letters, manuals,
resumes, and more. My phone number is 760-722-0290. I have
a little desk with a laptop and phone near the window in my
living room. (If you have a husband and kids distracting you,
you’ll want to set up your office in a bedroom behind
a closed door!) And when I’m tired staying at home,
I take my computer to a coffee shop.

You Want to Type at Home But Don't Know How to Get Started?

have enjoyed helping many people start a secretarial business.
Many people have asked me how I started a secretarial business.
I had to repeat the same information over and over gain. After
a while, I started saving all the questions and my answers,
and my notes became longer and longer. Then, I decided to
compile all the information and organize it into a book that
will give people all the information they need to get started
in the shortest possible time.

Can Help You Get Started in the Shortest Time Possible

lot of people want to type at home, but don’t know how
to get started.

can help you get started and become successful a lot faster
than I did. I take you step-by-step on how to get started.
Nothing is left out. I tell you how to find clients, who your
best clients are, how to get repeat business, where to advertise,
what to do and what not to do to be successful with your own
secretarial service.

Secret To Being Successful With Your Own Secretarial Business

All secretarial
businesses provide typing services. But why do some of them
make a lot of money while others just get by? The
secret is in knowing how to get customers.
see, most people don't know how to promote their services. Those
who do make money have four things in common. They have:

Secretarial services in demand

that are in demand.

Marketing secretarial services


promotional materials for secretarial services

promotional materials to stay in touch with their prospects
and motivate them to buy.

who are your secretarial clients

who are willing to pay for their services.

secret to being successful in your secretarial service is knowing
how to market your business and how to get customers.
get good-paying clients, you need powerful marketing
and well-written marketing materials.

yourself the important questions!

promotional materials for secretarial services

promotional materials are effective?

marketing methods for secretarial services

marketing methods work for secretarial services?

what secretarial services are in demand

services are in demand?

profitable clients for secretarial services

are your most profitable clients?

Secretarial-Business-In-A-Box gives you the answers!

Your Own Secretarial Business

The Quick and Easy Way...

and Grow it in Record Time ...

With The Secretarial-Business-In-A-Box

The Insiders' Tools You'll Need To Succeed

you're trying to figure out why some secretarial services are
successful and others can't get their businesses off the ground,
you will lose numerous opportunities!

I share my
own experience and that from my successful colleagues, and let
you tap into the closely guarded strategies successful business
owners are using to build their businesses. Now you can advantage
of this inside knowledge and

you have privileged access to the complete details of how savvy
secretarial service owners became successful.

You'll learn step-by-step what secretarial services do to bring
in clients.

silly to waste time when you can have this inside information.!
their BLUEPRINTS for success
to make money every
day, and watch your business soar!
you copy what successful entrepreneurs are doing, you'll dramatically
increase your profits.

Simply follow
these simple yet powerful Business-In-A-Box strategies. Avoid
months, even years of costly trial and error. Grow your business
in record time. Save time and money.

everything you need to start making money

in your own secretarial business in just a few weeks!

just downloaded the Secretarial Business-In-A-Box and
am very pleased with the information provided. This
saves me a lot of time, which is money."
Brenda Grover, ABS Secretarial Services, IL

marketing strategies I got with the Secretarial Business-In-A-Box
really work!! They helped me get clients the
very first week. I
recommend this information
to anyone who wants to be successful with their own
secretarial business."
Stephanie Voorkamp, Vista, CA

here to order this secretarial start-up kit.

What You'll Learn from the Experts:

began to really come together in my secretarial business
when I met Leva.
Leva advised me on pricing,
referred work to me, and answered my many questions. I
can say with absolute assurance that if I had not met
Leva, I could not have made my business work.

why I think her product, "Secretarial Business-in-a-Box",
is brilliant. You get to pick the brain of someone who
has been successfully operating this type of business
for years. I wish this product had been around when I
first got started! One challenge I had before was knowing
how to price my services. Leva helped me immensely in
that area.

reinvent the wheel. Instead, pick the brains of more experienced
people like Leva."

Gillespy, Vista, CA

Profitable Clients

ebook is filled with jump-start suggestions for getting clients
and includes the following.

  • 50
    types of clients you can pursue.

  • Who
    your most profitable clients are.

  • How
    to find them.

  • How
    to get their business.

  • 24
    strategies to promote your secretarial services.

Your Secretarial Service in Record Time with Proven Marketing
inside scoop of what works and what doesn't.)

is the most important part of any business. In this special insider
report, I tell you how to get clients for your secretarial business,
and then turn them into repeat business and referrals.

secretarial services have a slow start. So did I. I wasted time
and money by using a hit-and-miss approach to promoting my secretarial
services. Some promotions worked. A lot of them were a waste of
time and money. Don't make the same mistakes I made.

I asked colleagues
to rank their most successful methods of getting secretarial work...
the most effective advertising methods ... which marketing methods
work and which don't. This report will tell you what works for
me and what works for other successful secretarial services. Now
you can avoid making the mistakes I made, you can avoid wasting
time, and you can be successful a lot sooner than I was.

Doesn't it
make sense to take advantage of this inside knowledge ... to know
what works and what doesn't? Why waste months -- even years --
of costly trial and error when you can grow your business in record

This special
insider report is your blueprint to expanding your secretarial
business in record time. It's filled with jump-start suggestions
and little-known strategies for getting your phone ringing off
the hook, getting clients, and boosting your secretarial business
in record time. Get these helpful tips:

  • 23 ways
    to promote your secretarial service on a tight budget.

  • 10 little-known
    strategies to boost your secretarial business in record time.

  • Simple,
    proven methods to generate repeat business.

  • The most
    effective advertising methods for secretarial businesses.

  • Inside
    direct marketing strategies to boost your secretarial business
    get your phone ringing off the hook!

  • The
    fastest, most surefire way to have clients contact you!

Your Secretarial Business

with Quick-Start Mailing Campaigns

Last! All The Proven Marketing Materials

You'll Ever Need Are Available And Ready For You To Use

you can have the exact same sales letters and postcards I sent
to my clients and prospects. I know they work. They've giving
me lots of clients and repeat business.
You can use them
word for word ... or customize them to reflect your own personality
or specialized services you offer!

what it would be like to have an entire collection of professional,
proven, and highly-effective sales letters and postcards
your fingertips! Think about it. Hard-hitting sales letters and
postcards are powerful sales tools. They will relentlessly go
out and deliver your message to clients perfectly every time.
They keep your name in front of your prospects and clients, obtain
additional business from existing clients, and generate new clients.
Marketing experts agree that mailings work very well if you send
them out regularly. If you are not marketing regularly through
mailings, your missed income will be lost forever.

Real-World Promotional Letters That Won Clients

ready-to-use letters introduce and promote your secretarial
services. They are geared to a variety of clients in several industries.
They offer different approaches to introduce and promote a wide
range of secretarial services such as word processing, transcription,
data entry, desktop publishing, and more. You can customize
the letters any way you want. Or simply add your business name
and mail them out.

Ready-to-use Proven Promotional Postcards to Promote Your Secretarial

My custom-designed
postcards will set you apart from your competition. They are backed
by 12 years of success. And as you'll discover, it only takes
minutes to add your business name, phone number, personalized
message, and special offer on the address side of the postcards.
the postcards to your prospects and clients -- or hand them to
prospects, put them on bulletin boards, and use them as display

postcards to promote secretarial services

you are running your business, you will find little time
to create your own direct marketing pieces. It would take
you at least 32 hours to create 16 postcards yourself and
additional time to fine-tune them.

months of work! Promote your business NOW and get your phone
ringing in just a couple of days. I did all the work for

  • 13
    promotional postcards
    have generated a lot of new clients, repeat business, and referrals
    for me. They can do the same for you! The postcards sell the
    need for your services, establish you as an expert, and increase
    your credibility. They focus on the benefits your clients get
    from using your services such as saving time, saving money,
    getting overload help, and portraying a professional image with
    good-looking documents.

  • 3
    special-occasion greeting cards for New Year, Thanksgiving,
    and Halloween.

  • 2
    motivate new clients to do business with you.

The form letters and postcards that are included in the “Secretarial-In-A-Box” I found to be one of the most important benefits in running your business.  Leva did a fantastic job in putting the whole package together. I cannot thank her enough as she made my job a lot easier in getting started on running your own business.  Thank you Leva!!! Lisa C. Aquino, Batavia, NY -

love your postcards. My niche is medical doctors and my
advertising just wasn't working anymore. So I'm glad to
get some more ideas." - Zita Stanleyssz, IE

purchased your Business in a Box a couple of weeks ago!
It's been super useful in re-starting my virtual assistant
practice - your sales letters and postcards gave me some
great ideas that I've put to use already. Thanks a million!"
- Michelle Nestegard

miss another mailing!

advantage of our ready-to-use, proven postcards and sales letters
to promote your business NOW!

here to order.

Forms and Agreements

To Run Your Business

forms for secretarial services

Yourself With Agreements
costly misunderstandings and spell out everything before
you start working on a project.

problems before they occur with written agreements.
If you don't protect yourself with agreements, you can
lose money, time, and clients.

months of work! Take advantage of our ready-to-use forms!


you ever had a client not pay you or come back with multiple revisions,
expecting you to make free changes? This has happened to all of

a client agreement, some clients will not pay you. That's why
it is so important to cover everything in detail before starting
a project.

Ready-to-Use Client Agreement avoids costly misunderstandings.
It describes the work you will do, your fees, extra charges, when
fees are payable, what's included in your estimate, the client's
responsibility, and more.

take the chance of losing money, time, and rapport with your client!
Protect yourself with a client agreement.

Contractor Agreement

receiving several jobs at the same time, you will need independent
contractors to help you with overload work.

Independent Contractor Agreement describes the work your contractors
will do for you, how much you will pay them, and when. And a non-compete
clause prevents contractors from taking your clients.

provide the letters, forms, and agreements in Microsoft Word.
(Let us know if you need a different format.)

Risk-Free - Unconditional Guarantee

success in using these powerful and proven strategies
is completely guaranteed. In fact, here's my Iron-clad,
better than risk-free, money-back guarantee:

personally guarantee that if you make an honest effort
to try just a few of these proven strategies, postcards,
and sales letters in your secretarial business, you'll
get a 245% increase in business in the next 45 days!
That's right, you'll get new clients that you would
never get without the use of my proven, effective and
hard-hitting strategies! You've got 3 full months to
prove to yourself these strategies and materials really
do work. But, if you aren't 100% satisfied, just let
me know and I'll give you an immediate, no-questions-asked
refund right on the spot! Plus... you can keep the FREE
bonus gifts just for trying my program!

that fair or what? It means you can try out all my client-generating
techniques and promotional materials risk-free. And if you don't
get the results I've promised, I want you to ask for your money
back. And, you can keep the FREE bonuses as my way of thanking
you for giving this program a try. There is no risk whatsoever
on your part!

here to order The Secretarial Business-In-A-Box Risk Free.

quickly recap what you'll get:

getting clients for secretarial services Everything
You Need to Get Started
- Easy step-by-step instructions.

getting clients for secretarial services

Profitable Clients
- an ebook jam-packed with ideas
to help you identify your most profitable clients and get
their business.

marketing strategies for secretarisl services

Your Secretarial Service with Proven Marketing Strategies

- a leading-edge market report with powerful marketing strategies
to grow your business in record time.

postcards to promote secretarial services

- 16 ready-to-use postcards to promote your

sales letters to promote secretarial services

sales letters
- 7 targeted letters to enhance your marketing

forms for secretarial services

- The most important agreements you'll ever need
to safeguard your business.

the table of contents!

Hold On ... We're Not Done Yet.

You'll Also Get 6 FREE Bonuses If You Order TODAY.


    Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Getting Started.
    a business start-up checklist; what equipment you need to run
    a secretarial business; how to legitimize your business, register
    your business, get a business license, and get a fictitious
    business name.


    My Rate Sheet
    what I charge for various secretarial services. This is extremely
    valuable. How to price their services is the number one question
    I get from new secretarial businesses. This
    up-to-date pricing information is NOT available in ANY bookstore!

Secretarial Business-In-A-Box has really helped to instill
confidence in my talents. I have opened a publishing business
and have included secretarial services as part of what
we offer. Your
information has been priceless.

The most important to me was how
to price my services.
" Cathey
Pavlikian, NC

pricing tip alone will add 45% to my income this year."

Nancy Johnson, CA

... Another very important aspect of the business that
Leva goes over very well is pricing and how to get paid
for your work . This was very hard for me. I was having
so much fun and felt guilty for charging a fee. I would
have really undersold myself and thus lost my business
if I hadn’t read and followed Leva’s guidelines
on pricing.
Sharon Graves, Orange County, CA


    Ready-to-use letterhead, invoice, and fax cover sheet

    save you even more time.
    samples of my business cards and brochure.



    Avoid personal liability and problems with a disclaimer! Without
    proofing disclaimers some clients may demand that you pay for
    printing or mailing expenses when you made an error.

    disclaimer has a friendly tone but waives your liability for
    any expenses or losses resulting from errors.


    Form to Improve Your Customer Service

    Surveys are a powerful marketing tool. A survey form is the
    best way to find out how your clients perceive you, what they
    like, what additional services they would like you to offer,
    why they do business with you instead of your competitors, what
    you are doing well, and what you can improve.



    send to your clients and motivate new clients to try your services
    ($14.99 value). Plus a
    send to your clients and increase referral business ($14.99

have been invaluable through all of this. Thanks so
much for everything. I checked out your CD. Very useful
and informative. Thanks again." - Barb Butler

Secretarial Business-In-A-Box has really helped to instill
confidence in my talents. I have opened a publishing
business and have included secretarial services as part
of what we offer. Your
information has been priceless.

The most important to me was how
to price my services.
" Cathey
Pavlikian, NC

have always wanted to have my own business but didn’t
know how to start it. But in April 2006 I was on the
Internet looking for a home based business for Secretarial.
I came across the Secretarial Business-In-A-Box. I must
say I was very skeptical about the whole thing. I have
been burnt so many times. But I decided what is there
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receiving the material I must say that it
was a good decision
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love the way Leva laid everything out from pricing,
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fact what really blew my mind was when I found out she
designs web sites.

I have spoken with Leva and I must say it was a GREAT
pleasure. She helped me understand small things that
I didn’t understand. All I want to say to Leva
is “Thank You” for making a believer out
of me and with the help of God my business will succeed."
- Karlene C. Green-Black, Buffalo, NY


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Secretarial Business Newsletter

hidden secrets your competitors

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a Successful Secretarial Service
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"Top 10 Mistakes
Secretarial Services Make Before They Even Start."



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Secretarial Business Newsletter

hidden secrets your competitors pray you never learn!

a Successful Secretarial Service
is a weekly newsletter
that is absolutely jam-packed with hot insider tips on starting
and running a successful secretarial service that are guaranteed
to increase your secretarial sales.... powerful, little-known,
simple and proven, innovative marketing strategies for increasing
your profits .... answers to most frequently asked questions
.... and interviews with successful secretarial services.
Plus a chance to win $25.

and get a FREE report,
10 Mistakes Secretarial Services Make Before They Even Start."



personal privacy guarantee to you:

"I respect your privacy and will never share your email
address with anyone. You can easily unsubscribe at any time."

- Leva Duell